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How Do You Know: Healthy Protein Bar or a Protein Candy Bar?

September 11, 20242 min read

Walk down any grocery store aisle, and you’re bound to find a product that looks much healthier than it is. Despite the marketing lingo touting their nutritional value (Organic! All natural! Packed with protein!), many contain more sugar than a candy bar! 

To help you determine which bars are right for you, here are some protein basics and what to look for in a balanced bar. 

If you are snacking on a protein bar, what ingredients should you look for? 

  •        Carbohydrates: A low carb bar should be less than 20 grams per bar. 

  •       Protein: Look for ingredients like whey and pea proteins. 

  •       Fiber: Look for bars with three grams or more per serving. You’ll feel more full and be more regular. 

  •       Fats: A good bar shouldn’t have any trans fats and should be low in saturated fats (less than three grams per serving). 

  •       Oils: Avoid any bars with palm oil or kernel oil (often included in bars coated with chocolate) 

  •       Sugar: If sugar, sucrose or high fructose corn syrup is the main ingredient, don’t buy it. Also avoid sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol and maltitol—they cause bloating and gas and have a laxative effect. 


How do I know if a protein bar has enough protein? 

Calories From Protein: 1g protein is about 4 calories, you will want to find protein bars that get at least 25% of their calories from protein. 

Good (eat with some fruit for a high protein snack): you will want to find a protein bar that gets more than 25% of the calories from protein.   

Great (enough protein to be a meal replacement): You will want to find a protein bar that gets 40%-50% of the calories from protein.  

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Too Much Math?

Here is a simple way to tell if a protein bar is High Protein -  

Remove the last number from the calories, then compare the calories to grams of protein. If the protein amount is 2 less than the calories or greater, then it is a high protein bar. 

200 Calories & 18g Protein | 20:18 = 2 less (Good) 

200 Calories & 22g Protein | 20:22 = 2 more (Great) 

200 Calories & 12g Protein | 20:12 = 8 less (Not the best choice) 

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